Working in Design Research
Working as a designer or researcher in the healthcare sector is quite profound. It is challenging, yet exciting as it involves problem solving deep real-world issues. As a researcher, you are exposed to such topics that the average person does not experience in a normal environment. I am grateful to experience firsthand, several qualitative research methods such as observing innovative medical products and communicating with industry experts. Having the opportunity to interact with highly regarded people in the healthcare industry from companies such as the Critical Care Research Group (CCRG) and Getinge, is something very exciting to experience while on a design research journey.
Involving in design research does present many challenges. These often include ethics procedure, getting access and the emotional demands. Often it can be difficult to convince those with a medical background of your research procedures when the people are not aware of how design in research works. There are also emotional demands which can be quite draining for those involved, therefore it is important to develop appropriate communication skills when dealing with others. It can also be stressful at times seeking access to valuable data. In the past, having a vast network of people helps with finding the right participants for the research needed.
I really enjoy and have had great experiences finding people willing to share their story which of course leads to coding valuable data. I enjoy listening to those willing to share their valued opinions and experiences on the topic as this allows me to collect information straight from the person’s perspective. Overall, working towards meaningful and impactful projects motivates me to continue working as a design researcher.
The main role as a researcher in this field is to capture the experience of another person. Empathetic problem solving is used to then create impactful solution which is such an amazing aspect of this kind of role.